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We Are Akira

Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

Effective employee engagement is an important constituent of an organisation’s DNA and is critical for business success in today’s competitive marketplace. To build a thriving workplace culture, we facilitate two-way commitment and communication between the employees and the organisation right from the moment they come aboard.

Company Offsite

An annual “Company Offsite” where all employees stay for 2 days together at an outdoor place and make awesome memories together and those equations and relationships reflect at the workplace too!

Team outings

Cocktails and co-workers go very well together! Cocktail events create an atmosphere of camaraderie, allowing employees to unwind, socialise, and get to know each other outside the confines of work-related discussions.

Wellness programs

Employee Wellness Initiatives where we arrange for free medical check-up for all employees at our office premises.

Fun Events

Fun events like Sports Meet where employees team up and challenge each other in games like Badminton and Chess.